I love with all ...
For a very short time I have loved this writer Amélie Nothomb, was infatuated induced illusion that his books were "boldly insane" without a shadow of pietism and dark shadows. I loved "Mercury", "Journal of Swallow," "Dictionary of proper names ".... This I believe is a dangerous book, self-destructive, in the hands of an anorexic girl could create tragedies. Ok, it's a book, and should be taken as such. But reading the bones and decalcified pesonorma 40 kg, beyond which is considered whales NOT 'BEAUTIFUL THING. Amélie But all this has really lived, is a former anorexic (and I do not know what other problems have several but I think they are) that overcomes his fear by writing.
admire you, I love it but at the same time I hate it. They are impressionable at this time, too sensitive to read books like "Sabotage of love", I gave up and started almost immediately: a bunch of ugliness, violence, a torture every page. Same thing with "sulfuric acid" ho sopportato le prime pagine poi STOP!
Forse non sono in condizioni, forse sta cominciando ad andarmi di traverso il suo stile, forse non capisco un cavolo di letteratura, forse mi ha letteralmente TRITURATO I MARONI!
Scusami Amélie, ti ho amata follemente per un breve periodo, ora ho bisogno di lasciarti per un po', mi angosci!!!
Sei così bella, pallida, amabilmente folle, intelligente. Sforni un libro all'anno, non ti perdi in quisquilie e riesci a descrivere in una pagina ciò che altri scrittori, con virtuosismi vari, farebbero in quindici. Libri brevi, diretti, non una parola fuori posto.
Ma now I must leave you for a while ', you made me come to the depressioneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Maledettaaaaa! You can also say goodbye to the black jacket with flared Plectrude & Gabbanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!