Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Baptism Cute Cake Sayings

Mis amores ... A new life has born

.... Me Duele el corazón ........................................ Impossible is Nothing? Unfortunately, not always the case. Hey, I called our little bear with your name, Lionel.
Do not cry tonight please (Savage docet) ...

And you, Rafa .... horizontal arm on the chest, the hand that touches the heart ... proudly sing the anthem of your country ...

Mexicanos, the grito de Guerra El
maple aprestad y el Bridon,
retiemble Y en sus centros la tierra Al
rugir sound of the canon.
retiemble Y en sus centros la tierra Al
sound rugir the gorge ........


Monday, April 28, 2008

Poptropica Hacking Credits

April 22, 2008.
CHIPS WELCOME ...........


Friday, April 4, 2008

Milena Velba, Pregnant

One Life to autistic

Lately I only listen to two songs. Two. Other
to feel it, they listen to them.
I think I'm slightly autistic, I think.
But I can not do anything, these two songs make me shiver, I touch the soul.
And then I write the lyrics here.

The usual sex (Max Gazzo)

Hello, I am the one you met at the party,
I called just to hear you just ... yes, I know, it spent just one hour, but listen:
sure your voice is, somehow, I miss her.
If what you really believe that, I'd love to repeat it again ....
say that the eyes are a sincere man, then shut up, do not even speak.

I can already see tonight? But do not think badly right now: even the usual sex!
Because, you know, it does not happen very often
then that my heart was bouncing so hard on him, and I
age when everything seems less important,
but I like you too much and the rest counts for nothing.
Tell your partner that we saw tonight: if he can come here and fill the barrel!
Pero 'I'm sure it will touch, if you have served at least close.

I can already see tonight? But do not think badly right now: even the usual sex!
close 'the curve of the rainbow to imagine it as your crown,
and the horizon line in the sky I'll make' a bracelet of Queen ... if only I could one day sell the whole world in return for your true love!

You know, something like "heaven in a room" is what I tried first in your presence ...
say that the angels love in silence, and I in your I are hopelessly lost.
breaths I feel that this top handset ... damn, separates me from your mouth!

I can already see tonight? But do not think badly right now: even the usual sex! Correr
'fast against avalanches and then give you the flame of the volcano,
breathin' and you will descend into the abyss where all the rain in your hand ...
if only I could one day sell the whole world in return for your true love!

I can already see 'tonight? But do not think badly right now: even the usual sex!
Now I greet you, it's late, I go to bed ... I had to tell you, I'll l 'I said!

Still Life (Tricarico)
I always thought that I'll be satisfied When I

But then I had this ... and it was the same

I always thought I'll find the sea and wet
The sea I found ... but nothing has changed ... nothing
What ... I look
... ... I want a quiet life
Why is it since I was born

What are reckless ... I want a peaceful life
Why is it since I was born ... that is
reckless desperation ... ... ... But free verd'è boundless
I should ... I always thought I should not

When I'll be the starry sky
Divenni una stella… ma ero lo stesso
Sempre lo stesso
Ho sempre pensato
Troverò lei e sarò rinato
Lei ho trovato… qualcosa è cambiato
Qualcosa è cambiato
L’ultima illusione non è svanita
Io libero per sempre
Io… voglio una vita tranquilla
Perché è da quando son nato che sono spericolato
Io… voglio una vita serena
Perché è da quando son nato… che è
Disperata… spericolata…Però libera… verd’è sconfinata
Io dovrei… non dovrei
Io… voglio una vita tranquilla
Perché è da quando son nato che are reckless
I want a quiet life ... Why is
since I was born ... that is
reckless desperation ... ... ... But the free unlimited verd'è
I should ... no I should not

Fingerboard Blackriverramps

I love with all ...

For a very short time I have loved this writer Amélie Nothomb, was infatuated induced illusion that his books were "boldly insane" without a shadow of pietism and dark shadows. I loved "Mercury", "Journal of Swallow," "Dictionary of proper names ".... This I believe is a dangerous book, self-destructive, in the hands of an anorexic girl could create tragedies. Ok, it's a book, and should be taken as such. But reading the bones and decalcified pesonorma 40 kg, beyond which is considered whales NOT 'BEAUTIFUL THING.
Amélie But all this has really lived, is a former anorexic (and I do not know what other problems have several but I think they are) that overcomes his fear by writing.
admire you, I love it but at the same time I hate it. They are impressionable at this time, too sensitive to read books like "Sabotage of love", I gave up and started almost immediately: a bunch of ugliness, violence, a torture every page. Same thing with "sulfuric acid" ho sopportato le prime pagine poi STOP!
Forse non sono in condizioni, forse sta cominciando ad andarmi di traverso il suo stile, forse non capisco un cavolo di letteratura, forse mi ha letteralmente TRITURATO I MARONI!
Scusami Amélie, ti ho amata follemente per un breve periodo, ora ho bisogno di lasciarti per un po', mi angosci!!!
Sei così bella, pallida, amabilmente folle, intelligente. Sforni un libro all'anno, non ti perdi in quisquilie e riesci a descrivere in una pagina ciò che altri scrittori, con virtuosismi vari, farebbero in quindici. Libri brevi, diretti, non una parola fuori posto.
Ma now I must leave you for a while ', you made me come to the depressioneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Maledettaaaaa! You can also say goodbye to the black jacket with flared Plectrude & Gabbanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!