Andrea knew the secret of love. Had told him a sapling of the Wood gossip of the Pawns in a sunny spring morning. Andrea had been urged to stick with the usual silence button. I had seen him wearing fresh leaves and soft, such as milk and asked him the reason for that dress again. So the tree had revealed to him with a rustle of leaves in the afternoon to wait for a robin's song which was deeply in love. Waiting for him for many years and for years every morning he had called on the old oak tree that he could read the wind. And the oracle he had read the score wind, searching among the wing-beat notes of the robin. Only the night before the west wind generous that carries the scent of the sea had announced the much awaited return.
- And if you were to choose the branches of a tree to your? And if you went away again and never to return? - Exclaimed Andrea, with teeth clenched and his heart on fire.
- I am a tree - he had longed for the small fir tree - I can not pursue love, but I keep it.