Sunday, September 12, 2010
Adventure Ice Land Rohini
Today, double-checking an old notepad consumed almost entirely, on the last page I found a poem that goes back several months ago. I've written in the same issue just last published, but with a very different mood.
Incredible to think about how sometimes it takes very little time to change something permanently.
Along with this "relic of the past stupidity," I offer you a more recent work, more or less dedicated to the same theme.
Everything is dark, I see just one star,
A thought, perhaps, given to me.
But tomorrow the moon will be full,
And my mind will fly to you.
When I speak, a thrill in the back;
Still, you make me feel like a king.
And tomorrow the moon will be full,
And I would be able to see with you.
I do not expect anything more, now, from this senseless charade
now over.
one time, I hoped, yet I still
If not, again, a sad wound, cauterized
time, yet sad,
of having dedicated his life to you?
Son within the storm wrecked
Of your whims. Now I understood.
Now just: I leave you to your wretched
Fate of empty dreams and illusions.
You deserve it. Both know,
not with joy now that we speak: Your thoughts abstruse
I am known
I know now. I no longer love you.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Pokemon Soul Silver Wall Cheat
To the sea: A small power groups
Here To another part of the sea, which, incidentally, in the final version will be called-was decided for the sea-adventures.
I apologize for the delay of this update, but between exams to prepare for and various other commitments I had very little time to devote to RPGs.
Here were the largest organizations spread throughout the world. The next few articles, that if all goes well will come out by September, will refer to the cultural aspects of the world (unit of measurement, monetary system, average education of population, distances between major ports, and the like) and legends spread to the coast (which would be setting pirate without his Batavian cursed?) .
to the sea power groups
No individual alone can change the world together, men can achieve any goal. This maximum Asrigue Vigon, still cited by many of his followers, is in fact the same principle that led to the birth of the Ordo Orbis: Unity is strength. Over the centuries, numerous companies and consortiums, more or less powerful or clandestine hanno lottato per plasmare i destini del mondo all'ombra della più grande fra tutte loro, l'ordine mondiale; molte hanno fallito, e sono state completamente rimosse dalla memoria collettiva. Ma alcune sono sopravvissute, nonostante tutto, e l'Armata della Libertà ha raccolto e unito i cocci di altre.
Dalla più piccola gilda di ladri attiva solo a livello locale, fino all'imponente macchina militare della Militia Marium, sono le diverse fazioni a detenere il vero potere. Ogni gruppo di potere, chiaramente, è formato da diverse persone che decidono di affiliarvisi; alcuni lo fanno per seguire un ideale, altri alla ricerca di potere; non sono eccessivamente rari neppure coloro che si uniscono a una fazione col solo scopo di spiarne actions and make plans to jump.
Those that are described below are only the most important power groups: there are many guilds, the brotherhood of thieves Vectorian up the association of the merchants involved in trade in spices dabhatiane, whose influence is not enough to make them appear alongside factions that have molded and shaped the history of the world. For each of the organizations dealt with, some details are shown schematically, followed by a brief description.
Army of Freedom (chaotic good)
teaches: a black flag with two red squares superimposed at the center to form an eight-pointed star, within which is inscribed a circle it also red.
Established: 468 aoe first documented actions, is suspected oldest founding date.
Headquarters: absent, the meetings of the members are held in place by sea are always different.
Current Leader: No, the Seven Lieutenants Asrigue of the present state of things is the highest authority in arming.
Command Structure: the survivors of the Seven Lieutenants Vigon Asrigue and their successors each command dozens of ships, each one entrusted to the captain and his crew, and each deputy's orders to his sleeper agents and spies in the hinterland, but you do not have details about it.
Ideology in short, all men have the diritto e il dovere di governarsi da soli e di tracciare il proprio destino, fino a che non causano del male al prossimo; a ogni essere umano deve essere concessa la libertà di operare le sue scelte, senza alcun vincolo imposto dall'alto. L'Ordo Orbis ha oppresso per secoli l'umanità, usando la forza ben più della persuasione; dunque, è nostro dovere combatterlo, anche con la violenza se necessario, per rendere tutti gli uomini liberi.
Rapporti con altre fazioni: nemica giurata dell'Ordo Orbis e dei suoi membri, l'Armata della Libertà ha stretto talvolta alleanza con la Confraternita delle Coste; quei fedeli ancora devoti alla Legge Universale in rotta con la Lex Omnium trovano talvolta rifugio fra i rivoluzionari.
L'Armata della Libertà, chiamata talvolta Flagello dell'Ordine, Latrice del Caos, Messaggera di Anarchia da quanti vi si oppongono, e nota semplicemente come Liberatrice fra i suoi membri, i rivoluzionari (o ribelli, o rivoltosi, o sediziosi secondo i governi), è storicamente stata e rimane l'unica forza in grado di opporsi all'Ordo Orbis. Quando ancora era guidata da Vigon Asrigue, l'Armata della Libertà impegava questa sua forza in maniera attiva in audaci e significativi attacchi rivolti contro il cuore dell'ordine mondiale. Ora, i Sette Luogotenenti che un tempo prendevano ordini dalla Furia Rivoluzionaria preferiscono non rischiare le proprie forze in operazioni ad alto rischio, limitandosi a difendere le terre già liberate. Alcuni the Lieutenants are dead, and a betrayed by Asrigue who died, but other young fighters have taken their place, proof that the original message for operation of the Freedom is still present and able to inflame.
Brotherhood of the Coasts (chaotic neutral)
teaches: a black flag with a skull grinning at the center, the features of the skull or any other symbols represented by his side varies from flag to flag and identify the different crews.
Established: 197 AOE, even if the first actions of piracy are infinitely older.
Headquarters: island Jamabauga.
Current Leader: Board Pirates of the four Masters, Masters of great prestigio e coraggio nominati a vita dal loro predecessore.
Struttura di comando: i Maestri Pirati hanno ciascuno a disposizione diverse navi; gli altri capitani, indipendentemente dalle proprie forze navali, sono solo formalmente sottoposti al consiglio.
Ideologia in breve: quello che chiamano “ordine mondiale” è solo un modo per arricchirsi a spese degli stupidi e dei deboli, quella che chiamano “legge d'ogni cosa” è solo un modo per rincoglionirti e convincerti a seguire i loro ordini e a pagare le loro tasse. Noi siamo più onesti di loro, perché non indossiamo nessuna maschera: prendiamo quel che vogliamo, e non diamo ordini a nessuno né ne accettiamo da chicchessia.
Rapporti con altre fazioni: da sempre avversata dall'Ordo Orbis, la Confraternita delle Coste ha comunque talvolta stretto accordi clandestini coi membri più spregiudicati del Consortium Mercatorum; in rapporti relativamente buoni con l'Armata della Libertà, è una acerrima nemica della Militia Marium, i cui soldati in passato hanno più volte tentato di conquistare la roccaforte di Jambauga.
La Confraternita delle Coste, flagello dei mari e dei commerci, ha attraversato fasi alterne dalla sua costituzione ad oggi. Legata fin dalle origini alle personalità più carismatiche della pirateria, ha prosperato quando dei capitani capaci e potenti ottenevano la carica di Maestri Pirati solo per poi attraversare periodi di declino sotto i loro inetti successori. However, although in some cases, the Ordo Orbis has even managed to rip Jambauga the Brotherhood, the pirates (the "brethren of the coast) have always found the strength to regain their island-symbol. Currently, this organization affiliated with infested waters of all seas, far beyond the routes that pass through Jambauga. Officially required to follow a specific code of conduct, which requires, for example, to grant the requests made to any enemy, and which prohibits the government from accepting assignments world-power, the captains of the Brotherhood have often failed to fulfill their duties making the orders of the Ordo Orbis renegade pirates.
Mercatorum Consortium (neutral)
Teaches: a blue globe on a white background, surrounded by "Mercatorum Consortium.
Established: 115 poe.
Headquarters: Vectorian city.
Current Leader: William Füger, mercatorum magister maximus.
Command Structure: several magistri mercatorum, subject to the magister maximus, manage the guild on each trade in one of the most valuable assets in a given area, each region has its own board of judges, a small group of individuals in charge any decision relating to the economy of entire nations.
Ideology in Brief: Trade is the soul of civilization, the most vibrant cultures have always been developed along the routes most battute dalle navi mercantili. Per prosperare, il commercio ha bisogno di pace, così come di qualche occasionale atto di forza; ma, più di tutto, il commercio ha bisogno di menti sottili capaci di controllarlo e di massimizzarne i guadagni. Migliorare l'economia di una regione è l'unico modo per farla progredire, anche se talvolta richiede qualche sacrificio.
Rapporti con altre fazioni: per quanto facciano entrambi parte dell'Ordo Orbis, il Consortium Mercatorum conserva ancora alcuni degli antichi, per quanto ben presto ricuciti, dissapori con la Militia Marum. Un rapporto di odio-amore lega il consorzio alla Confraternita delle Coste: i pirati sono sia i peggiori nemici, sia dei potenziali e impagabili alleati per i commercianti più enterprising. The Army of Freedom is the worst scourge of the Consortium Mercatorum, who goes all out to opponents with his powerful economic means. Of the three companies then
States United States Ordo Orbis, the Consortium Mercatorum is certainly the oldest and one without which, probably, the other would never be born. Accustomed to handling money and managing the economy for many centuries, the consortium manages virtually all flows of wealth and all the trade routes of the world's best cartographers and famous explorers-but not, according to the support of other factions , the best surfers-are or have been somehow affiliated with the Consortium Mercatorum. As with ancient traditions, this huge merchant guild is certainly not a traditionalist: the major innovations of today, in fact, precisely due to his efforts and his generous and interested in financing.
Universal Law (neutral good)
teaches: a simple triangle, more or less elaborate, if portrait on white.
Founded: Date unknown, but very old: some say its practitioners, the professed religion as a universal law would even thousands of years.
Headquarters: No: Lex Omnium after the birth of the Universal Law has become a religion barely tolerated, if not directly opposed, and as such no longer has a registered office.
Leader Current: formally, the magister fidei maximus Omnium of Lex, in fact, the traditionalist faithful do not recognize any authority on earth.
Command Structure: each of the pockets where there is still the original faith in the Universal Law also has a series of spiritual guides, variously revered or worshiped directly, but is missing and that is in the interest of the Ordo Orbis continues to lack a form of organization Global faithful.
Ideology in brief: one is the universal law of the world, the universe and creation: to love our neighbor. To love means to treat others as you would like to be treated, and the preface to their needs more without destroying themselves, and there is something divine in human beings by virtue of their own creation, and this divine principle to be respected and revered in every single person. At death, the men are destined to reunite with his creator of heaven, and he will reward the righteous.
Relationship with other factions in many regions, notably the Ordo and Lex Orbis Omnium against the Universal Law and persecute the faithful, seen as a danger to the official ideology of their religion heterodox views. Sometimes, some priests and faithful are very enterprising and energetic for that reason come to terms with the Army of Freedom, which has contributed greatly to undermine the reputation of the ancient religion in the eyes of world government.
The roots of the Universal Law sink, according to many, until the time of the Great Flood: It is almost universally agreed, that the Prophet recruited his first followers in Dabh devastated by the disaster. What originally was a local preacher, was addressed only to the enlightened are able to grasp the deeper aspects later became the national team a huge island. Different interpretations of the doctrine originally arose, and there were several religious orders routed to the understanding of the divinity inherent in man. At the time of the creation of the Ordo Orbis, some unscrupulous priests were among the major promoters of the new world order: the rise of Lex Omnium was painless, ma non così il processo attraverso il quale questa nuova religione si diffuse a spese della fede originale.
Lex Omnium (lawful neutral)
Insegna: un globo terracqueo azzurro su fondo bianco inscritto all'interno di un triangolo dorato.
Anno di fondazione: anno zero aOe.
Sede principale: monastero di Taibet.
Leader attuale: magister fidei maximus Astibius l'Eterno.
Struttura di comando: i magistri fidei, in seno ai quali viene eletto a vita il magister fidei maximus, sono ciascuno il responsabile di una regione; al di sotto di loro, operano i vicarii, responsabili dei sacerdotes capillarmente diffusi in tutte le comunità.
Ideologia in breve: vi è un principio divino supremo che ha creato ogni cosa; gli uomini, le più alte fra le creature, sono venuti al mondo con lo scopo di esserne i custodi e i guardiani facendo fiorire il seme divino celato nei loro animi. Il progetto divino è ordine, dunque per essere attuato richiede che il mondo stesso rimanga in ordine, e che l'armonia fra gli uomini sia manifestazione terrena del dio; un uomo che non segue l'ordine è un uomo che ha smarrito la divinità del proprio animo, e che ha smesso di essere uomo, e rappresenta un pericolo per il progetto universale. Fino a che non avrà vissuto una vita interamente dedicata all'ordine e al progresso, un uomo resterà vincolato al mondo in un ciclo di reincarnazioni, lontano dalla luce divina.
Rapporti con altre fazioni: Ministers have relationships Lex Omnium pretty good with the other branches of the Ordo Orbis, which are essentially the ideological apparatus. The Brotherhood of the Coast has never concealed his contempt for the false preachers of power, "and it is no secret that the Army of Freedom Lex Omnium consider an evil to be eradicated at all costs. Ancient faith disagreements bind this to the more ancient and now almost entirely supplanted in the Universal Law.
Unlike other faiths, sooner or later become an instrument of government, the Lex Omnium is a religion created in the table with the express purpose of establishing the ideology and justification of that organization then called Ordo Orbis. The many rituals, frequent celebrations, the network of priests, the contrast between virtue and sin ... All this is designed with the aim to educate, indoctrinate and control the world's inhabitants. The ideology of some unorthodox seven dabhatiane, whereby an ordered world is always preferable to a lawless, has quickly become the justification for any wrongdoing of the new world order. However, this does not prevent hundreds of thousands of people sincerely to profess their faith in Lex Omnium, nor does it imply that any individual or sacerdos vicarius is a corrupt servant of power: the greatest illusion brought about by those who drew up this religion was precisely il dare alla nuova ideologia una forma coerente e plausibile, facendo sì che si imponesse non tanto con la forza delle armi quanto grazie a quella della persuasione. Il che, chiaramente, non vuol dire che non ci siano stati e che non ci siano tutt'ora conversioni forzate, processi per eresia, scomuniche, persecuzioni degli infedeli, fanatismo e una diffusa corruzione ai vertici del culto.
Ordo Orbis (lawful neutral)
Insegna: un globo terracqueo azzurro su fondo bianco; nelle bandiere cerimoniali più prestigiose, il globo è a tutti gli effetti una fedele illustrazione della superficie terrestre.
Anno di fondazione: anno zero aOe.
Sede principale: nessuna, i magistri maximi si riuniscono a rotazione in each of their locations.
Current Leader: triumvirate of three magistrates Consortium of maximi Mercatorum of Lex Omnium Militia and Marium.
Command Structure: In addition to the chain of command of his faction, each has his orders magister maximus many custodes ordinis, in their turn at the head of the ordinary.
Ideology in short, chaos is always present. Disorder and anarchy ruled the world since the Great Flood, before our forces were opposed to their destruction. The order is the only salvation of humanity, only by faithfully following a single project, directed by superior minds, human beings can live in peace and prosper. Those who oppose this view is an agent of chaos, and as such an enemy of the Ordo Orbis and all of humanity, and as such should be deleted.
Relations with other factions: the direct agents of the Ordo Orbis, the ordinary, they are sometimes regarded with a mixture of envy and rivalry from the soldiers of the Militia Marium, however, their pious devotion to the cause is welcome to the representatives of the Lex Omnium, and in any case, the transactions with all affiliates are typically good to world order. The Brotherhood of the Ordo Orbis Coste considers its enemy, but the Army of Freedom that the Ordo Orbis sees as its enemy par excellence. Often, they appear as ordinary fanatics and heretics in the eyes of those who follow the path of Universal Law. The Ordo
Orbis, the world order, is the largest and most powerful organization that has ever existed since the Great Flood to the present: through its three branches, has the military power, economic and ideological on almost all land. Thanks to the split into several groups and operating a wise system of delegation, the world government has been able to drive for centuries the life of the inhabitants of each island. Powered by devoted and efficient servants, as careerists and unscrupulous tyrants, the administrative machinery of the Ordo Orbis has rarely jammed, and never permanently, until the rise of Asrigue Vigon. The new enemy showed the world the weakness of world government, crushed by the weight of his body and slowed down the choices from his most pressing administrative chain. It was the weapon of freedom to oppose the Ordo Orbis accepted within the first changes to its structure since its inception. Previously, the world order itself was more a collective name to indicate the three factions that compose it, to oppose the threat of Asrigue and his followers, the Ordo Orbis has a body of determined and often ruthless classified staff engaged in independent teams, the common use of the recruitment of pirates and buccaneers among the worst kind. While his power is slowly crumbling, the world government si fa ancora più dispotico, e la sua tirannide sempre meno sopportabile.
Militia Marium (lawful evil)
Insegna: un globo terracqueo azzurro su fondo bianco parzialmente coperto da due spade incrociate fra loro.
Anno di fondazione: 43 pOe.
Sede principale: città fortificata di Viria, cuore del Vecchio Mondo.
Leader attuale: magister militum maximus Victor Torquezar.
Struttura di comando: l'unità di base della Militia Marium è la decuria, dieci uomini guidati da un decurio; dieci decurie formano una centuria, comandata da un centurio, e dieci centuire formano una legio, guidata da un magister militum; tutti i magistri militum sono agli ordini del magster militum maximus.
Ideologia in breve: il mondo è dei forti, e l'ordine è forza: mille uomini da soli sono mille sciocchi, mille uomini che marciano sotto la stessa bandiera, seguendo gli stessi comandi, con un unico cuore, sono una forza inarrestabile. Noi siamo la civiltà, noi siamo l'ordine e il potere; è nostro dovere difendere quest'ordine, difendere noi stessi e coloro che seguono la nostra stessa legge. Gli altri possono morire.
Rapporti con altre fazioni: rivale storica della Confraternita delle Coste, la Militia Marium ha recentemente trovato nell'Armata della Libertà il suo più grande avversario. Una mai sopita rivalità la lega al Consortium Mercatorum, e i veri fedeli della Legge Universale non possono fare a meno di considerare Marium the milites of the dangerous and bloody excited, while for their part, officers of the highest grade of the ordinary body deemed unnecessary.
With a prodigious chain of command, armed with the best equipment available in the world, made up of soldiers whose obedience is absolute, trained and indoctrinated for years before the field missions, the Militia Marium is a huge and dangerous war machine . The number of staff available to the armed wing of the Ordo Orbis is about one million soldiers, an imposing figure and well above the regional weapon of the Old World from which the army had its origin. With the spread around the world, also came a remarkable specialization: milites are trained to fight at sea, and experts milites tactics in the saddle but totally ignorant of navigation, the core of the militia, however, consists of the generic soldiers, able to take up just as effectively in all conventional arms and fight very well in every situation. These are the milites ciruma and equipment of many warships Ordo Orbis, from lowly barges to the most powerful armored cruisers. The big problem of Marium Militia, which has hampered on numerous occasions by Asrigue that has declared war on the world government, is its excessive complexity: the chain of command, the division of the fleets in several locations, hanno reso la militia vulnerabile a sapienti attacchi adeguatamente pianificati. E, se l'Ordo Orbis ha trovato il modo di rimediare a tutto questo, ciononostante la Militia Marium rimane ancora una macchina sì temibile, ma lenta e facile da inceppare per chi ne conosce i meccanismi.
Sacra Unione delle Famiglie (neutral evil)
Insegna: nessuna, data la segretezza della fazione; le singole famiglie possono avere o meno delle insegne personali
Anno di fondazione: 24 aOe.
Sede principale: formalmente nessuna, viene riconosciuto un ampio prestigio alle famiglie taliane.
Leader attuale: nessuno, ma Salvo Bardi è senza dubbio il capofamiglia più potente.
Struttura di comando: ogni famiglia è in practice a side of him, often in conflict with one or more of the other, within a single family, are rigidly patriarchal power relations, but is assigned a role quite important also to simple affiliates. The heads of households may, in cases of necessity, put aside their feuds to agree on a common strategy.
Ideology in short: these accursed they destroyed the ancient values \u200b\u200bof our land, the religion of our fathers has been stifled. At one time things were better, not the powerful advantage of people that you put under their protection. Although hidden in the shadow of world government, we can keep alive something of our past; even if we kill and steal, we do so with a purpose. The true order, real justice, are ours.
Relations with other factions: the Orbis Ordo as a whole considers the Union of American Families, like all other opposition, a plague to kill, but this does not prevent the Consortium Mercatorum of doing business, more or less unconsciously, with the major families. It is not uncommon for a brother of the coast make agreements with any member of the family, while the same can not be said for the members for operation of the Liberty.
The Sacred Union of Families was born from the initiative of a few merchant families Taliani, concerned by the significant drop in power as a result of the Consortium Mercatorum Ordo Orbis birth. Belonging to a common religion, ancestor worship of the patriarchal family so widespread in the past, an additional factor of unity and opposition to the new order. In short, these families yearning of the old power, and anchored the ancient religion and values \u200b\u200bof their fathers, were joined in Holy Union of Families. Founded as a local version of the Consortium and illegal Mercatorum, the "sacrosanct" soon spread around the world thanks to the initiative of business families behind these regular trading, though, was created over the years a solid black market that Taking advantage of an organization as branched and little known, could transporting prohibited goods from one part of the globe. Quickly, they came also the intimidation and acts of sabotage against the rival merchants, and they followed the frictions and feuds between different families often ending of sacrosanct. Today, the Union of American Families is like a set of criminal organizations, each with its own network of contacts and affiliates around the world, often at war with each other to obtain greater prestige and able to implement a truce only when a particular householder the powerful forces. But for ordinary people Taliani, the sacred is often the power, far more than it is the Ordo Orbis, and many people consider the householder's only real men of honor left the world.
Here To another part of the sea, which, incidentally, in the final version will be called-was decided for the sea-adventures.
I apologize for the delay of this update, but between exams to prepare for and various other commitments I had very little time to devote to RPGs.
Here were the largest organizations spread throughout the world. The next few articles, that if all goes well will come out by September, will refer to the cultural aspects of the world (unit of measurement, monetary system, average education of population, distances between major ports, and the like) and legends spread to the coast (which would be setting pirate without his Batavian cursed?) .
to the sea power groups
No individual alone can change the world together, men can achieve any goal. This maximum Asrigue Vigon, still cited by many of his followers, is in fact the same principle that led to the birth of the Ordo Orbis: Unity is strength. Over the centuries, numerous companies and consortiums, more or less powerful or clandestine hanno lottato per plasmare i destini del mondo all'ombra della più grande fra tutte loro, l'ordine mondiale; molte hanno fallito, e sono state completamente rimosse dalla memoria collettiva. Ma alcune sono sopravvissute, nonostante tutto, e l'Armata della Libertà ha raccolto e unito i cocci di altre.
Dalla più piccola gilda di ladri attiva solo a livello locale, fino all'imponente macchina militare della Militia Marium, sono le diverse fazioni a detenere il vero potere. Ogni gruppo di potere, chiaramente, è formato da diverse persone che decidono di affiliarvisi; alcuni lo fanno per seguire un ideale, altri alla ricerca di potere; non sono eccessivamente rari neppure coloro che si uniscono a una fazione col solo scopo di spiarne actions and make plans to jump.
Those that are described below are only the most important power groups: there are many guilds, the brotherhood of thieves Vectorian up the association of the merchants involved in trade in spices dabhatiane, whose influence is not enough to make them appear alongside factions that have molded and shaped the history of the world. For each of the organizations dealt with, some details are shown schematically, followed by a brief description.
Army of Freedom (chaotic good)
teaches: a black flag with two red squares superimposed at the center to form an eight-pointed star, within which is inscribed a circle it also red.
Established: 468 aoe first documented actions, is suspected oldest founding date.
Headquarters: absent, the meetings of the members are held in place by sea are always different.
Current Leader: No, the Seven Lieutenants Asrigue of the present state of things is the highest authority in arming.
Command Structure: the survivors of the Seven Lieutenants Vigon Asrigue and their successors each command dozens of ships, each one entrusted to the captain and his crew, and each deputy's orders to his sleeper agents and spies in the hinterland, but you do not have details about it.
Ideology in short, all men have the diritto e il dovere di governarsi da soli e di tracciare il proprio destino, fino a che non causano del male al prossimo; a ogni essere umano deve essere concessa la libertà di operare le sue scelte, senza alcun vincolo imposto dall'alto. L'Ordo Orbis ha oppresso per secoli l'umanità, usando la forza ben più della persuasione; dunque, è nostro dovere combatterlo, anche con la violenza se necessario, per rendere tutti gli uomini liberi.
Rapporti con altre fazioni: nemica giurata dell'Ordo Orbis e dei suoi membri, l'Armata della Libertà ha stretto talvolta alleanza con la Confraternita delle Coste; quei fedeli ancora devoti alla Legge Universale in rotta con la Lex Omnium trovano talvolta rifugio fra i rivoluzionari.
L'Armata della Libertà, chiamata talvolta Flagello dell'Ordine, Latrice del Caos, Messaggera di Anarchia da quanti vi si oppongono, e nota semplicemente come Liberatrice fra i suoi membri, i rivoluzionari (o ribelli, o rivoltosi, o sediziosi secondo i governi), è storicamente stata e rimane l'unica forza in grado di opporsi all'Ordo Orbis. Quando ancora era guidata da Vigon Asrigue, l'Armata della Libertà impegava questa sua forza in maniera attiva in audaci e significativi attacchi rivolti contro il cuore dell'ordine mondiale. Ora, i Sette Luogotenenti che un tempo prendevano ordini dalla Furia Rivoluzionaria preferiscono non rischiare le proprie forze in operazioni ad alto rischio, limitandosi a difendere le terre già liberate. Alcuni the Lieutenants are dead, and a betrayed by Asrigue who died, but other young fighters have taken their place, proof that the original message for operation of the Freedom is still present and able to inflame.
Brotherhood of the Coasts (chaotic neutral)
teaches: a black flag with a skull grinning at the center, the features of the skull or any other symbols represented by his side varies from flag to flag and identify the different crews.
Established: 197 AOE, even if the first actions of piracy are infinitely older.
Headquarters: island Jamabauga.
Current Leader: Board Pirates of the four Masters, Masters of great prestigio e coraggio nominati a vita dal loro predecessore.
Struttura di comando: i Maestri Pirati hanno ciascuno a disposizione diverse navi; gli altri capitani, indipendentemente dalle proprie forze navali, sono solo formalmente sottoposti al consiglio.
Ideologia in breve: quello che chiamano “ordine mondiale” è solo un modo per arricchirsi a spese degli stupidi e dei deboli, quella che chiamano “legge d'ogni cosa” è solo un modo per rincoglionirti e convincerti a seguire i loro ordini e a pagare le loro tasse. Noi siamo più onesti di loro, perché non indossiamo nessuna maschera: prendiamo quel che vogliamo, e non diamo ordini a nessuno né ne accettiamo da chicchessia.
Rapporti con altre fazioni: da sempre avversata dall'Ordo Orbis, la Confraternita delle Coste ha comunque talvolta stretto accordi clandestini coi membri più spregiudicati del Consortium Mercatorum; in rapporti relativamente buoni con l'Armata della Libertà, è una acerrima nemica della Militia Marium, i cui soldati in passato hanno più volte tentato di conquistare la roccaforte di Jambauga.
La Confraternita delle Coste, flagello dei mari e dei commerci, ha attraversato fasi alterne dalla sua costituzione ad oggi. Legata fin dalle origini alle personalità più carismatiche della pirateria, ha prosperato quando dei capitani capaci e potenti ottenevano la carica di Maestri Pirati solo per poi attraversare periodi di declino sotto i loro inetti successori. However, although in some cases, the Ordo Orbis has even managed to rip Jambauga the Brotherhood, the pirates (the "brethren of the coast) have always found the strength to regain their island-symbol. Currently, this organization affiliated with infested waters of all seas, far beyond the routes that pass through Jambauga. Officially required to follow a specific code of conduct, which requires, for example, to grant the requests made to any enemy, and which prohibits the government from accepting assignments world-power, the captains of the Brotherhood have often failed to fulfill their duties making the orders of the Ordo Orbis renegade pirates.
Mercatorum Consortium (neutral)
Teaches: a blue globe on a white background, surrounded by "Mercatorum Consortium.
Established: 115 poe.
Headquarters: Vectorian city.
Current Leader: William Füger, mercatorum magister maximus.
Command Structure: several magistri mercatorum, subject to the magister maximus, manage the guild on each trade in one of the most valuable assets in a given area, each region has its own board of judges, a small group of individuals in charge any decision relating to the economy of entire nations.
Ideology in Brief: Trade is the soul of civilization, the most vibrant cultures have always been developed along the routes most battute dalle navi mercantili. Per prosperare, il commercio ha bisogno di pace, così come di qualche occasionale atto di forza; ma, più di tutto, il commercio ha bisogno di menti sottili capaci di controllarlo e di massimizzarne i guadagni. Migliorare l'economia di una regione è l'unico modo per farla progredire, anche se talvolta richiede qualche sacrificio.
Rapporti con altre fazioni: per quanto facciano entrambi parte dell'Ordo Orbis, il Consortium Mercatorum conserva ancora alcuni degli antichi, per quanto ben presto ricuciti, dissapori con la Militia Marum. Un rapporto di odio-amore lega il consorzio alla Confraternita delle Coste: i pirati sono sia i peggiori nemici, sia dei potenziali e impagabili alleati per i commercianti più enterprising. The Army of Freedom is the worst scourge of the Consortium Mercatorum, who goes all out to opponents with his powerful economic means. Of the three companies then
States United States Ordo Orbis, the Consortium Mercatorum is certainly the oldest and one without which, probably, the other would never be born. Accustomed to handling money and managing the economy for many centuries, the consortium manages virtually all flows of wealth and all the trade routes of the world's best cartographers and famous explorers-but not, according to the support of other factions , the best surfers-are or have been somehow affiliated with the Consortium Mercatorum. As with ancient traditions, this huge merchant guild is certainly not a traditionalist: the major innovations of today, in fact, precisely due to his efforts and his generous and interested in financing.
Universal Law (neutral good)
teaches: a simple triangle, more or less elaborate, if portrait on white.
Founded: Date unknown, but very old: some say its practitioners, the professed religion as a universal law would even thousands of years.
Headquarters: No: Lex Omnium after the birth of the Universal Law has become a religion barely tolerated, if not directly opposed, and as such no longer has a registered office.
Leader Current: formally, the magister fidei maximus Omnium of Lex, in fact, the traditionalist faithful do not recognize any authority on earth.
Command Structure: each of the pockets where there is still the original faith in the Universal Law also has a series of spiritual guides, variously revered or worshiped directly, but is missing and that is in the interest of the Ordo Orbis continues to lack a form of organization Global faithful.
Ideology in brief: one is the universal law of the world, the universe and creation: to love our neighbor. To love means to treat others as you would like to be treated, and the preface to their needs more without destroying themselves, and there is something divine in human beings by virtue of their own creation, and this divine principle to be respected and revered in every single person. At death, the men are destined to reunite with his creator of heaven, and he will reward the righteous.
Relationship with other factions in many regions, notably the Ordo and Lex Orbis Omnium against the Universal Law and persecute the faithful, seen as a danger to the official ideology of their religion heterodox views. Sometimes, some priests and faithful are very enterprising and energetic for that reason come to terms with the Army of Freedom, which has contributed greatly to undermine the reputation of the ancient religion in the eyes of world government.
The roots of the Universal Law sink, according to many, until the time of the Great Flood: It is almost universally agreed, that the Prophet recruited his first followers in Dabh devastated by the disaster. What originally was a local preacher, was addressed only to the enlightened are able to grasp the deeper aspects later became the national team a huge island. Different interpretations of the doctrine originally arose, and there were several religious orders routed to the understanding of the divinity inherent in man. At the time of the creation of the Ordo Orbis, some unscrupulous priests were among the major promoters of the new world order: the rise of Lex Omnium was painless, ma non così il processo attraverso il quale questa nuova religione si diffuse a spese della fede originale.
Lex Omnium (lawful neutral)
Insegna: un globo terracqueo azzurro su fondo bianco inscritto all'interno di un triangolo dorato.
Anno di fondazione: anno zero aOe.
Sede principale: monastero di Taibet.
Leader attuale: magister fidei maximus Astibius l'Eterno.
Struttura di comando: i magistri fidei, in seno ai quali viene eletto a vita il magister fidei maximus, sono ciascuno il responsabile di una regione; al di sotto di loro, operano i vicarii, responsabili dei sacerdotes capillarmente diffusi in tutte le comunità.
Ideologia in breve: vi è un principio divino supremo che ha creato ogni cosa; gli uomini, le più alte fra le creature, sono venuti al mondo con lo scopo di esserne i custodi e i guardiani facendo fiorire il seme divino celato nei loro animi. Il progetto divino è ordine, dunque per essere attuato richiede che il mondo stesso rimanga in ordine, e che l'armonia fra gli uomini sia manifestazione terrena del dio; un uomo che non segue l'ordine è un uomo che ha smarrito la divinità del proprio animo, e che ha smesso di essere uomo, e rappresenta un pericolo per il progetto universale. Fino a che non avrà vissuto una vita interamente dedicata all'ordine e al progresso, un uomo resterà vincolato al mondo in un ciclo di reincarnazioni, lontano dalla luce divina.
Rapporti con altre fazioni: Ministers have relationships Lex Omnium pretty good with the other branches of the Ordo Orbis, which are essentially the ideological apparatus. The Brotherhood of the Coast has never concealed his contempt for the false preachers of power, "and it is no secret that the Army of Freedom Lex Omnium consider an evil to be eradicated at all costs. Ancient faith disagreements bind this to the more ancient and now almost entirely supplanted in the Universal Law.
Unlike other faiths, sooner or later become an instrument of government, the Lex Omnium is a religion created in the table with the express purpose of establishing the ideology and justification of that organization then called Ordo Orbis. The many rituals, frequent celebrations, the network of priests, the contrast between virtue and sin ... All this is designed with the aim to educate, indoctrinate and control the world's inhabitants. The ideology of some unorthodox seven dabhatiane, whereby an ordered world is always preferable to a lawless, has quickly become the justification for any wrongdoing of the new world order. However, this does not prevent hundreds of thousands of people sincerely to profess their faith in Lex Omnium, nor does it imply that any individual or sacerdos vicarius is a corrupt servant of power: the greatest illusion brought about by those who drew up this religion was precisely il dare alla nuova ideologia una forma coerente e plausibile, facendo sì che si imponesse non tanto con la forza delle armi quanto grazie a quella della persuasione. Il che, chiaramente, non vuol dire che non ci siano stati e che non ci siano tutt'ora conversioni forzate, processi per eresia, scomuniche, persecuzioni degli infedeli, fanatismo e una diffusa corruzione ai vertici del culto.
Ordo Orbis (lawful neutral)
Insegna: un globo terracqueo azzurro su fondo bianco; nelle bandiere cerimoniali più prestigiose, il globo è a tutti gli effetti una fedele illustrazione della superficie terrestre.
Anno di fondazione: anno zero aOe.
Sede principale: nessuna, i magistri maximi si riuniscono a rotazione in each of their locations.
Current Leader: triumvirate of three magistrates Consortium of maximi Mercatorum of Lex Omnium Militia and Marium.
Command Structure: In addition to the chain of command of his faction, each has his orders magister maximus many custodes ordinis, in their turn at the head of the ordinary.
Ideology in short, chaos is always present. Disorder and anarchy ruled the world since the Great Flood, before our forces were opposed to their destruction. The order is the only salvation of humanity, only by faithfully following a single project, directed by superior minds, human beings can live in peace and prosper. Those who oppose this view is an agent of chaos, and as such an enemy of the Ordo Orbis and all of humanity, and as such should be deleted.
Relations with other factions: the direct agents of the Ordo Orbis, the ordinary, they are sometimes regarded with a mixture of envy and rivalry from the soldiers of the Militia Marium, however, their pious devotion to the cause is welcome to the representatives of the Lex Omnium, and in any case, the transactions with all affiliates are typically good to world order. The Brotherhood of the Ordo Orbis Coste considers its enemy, but the Army of Freedom that the Ordo Orbis sees as its enemy par excellence. Often, they appear as ordinary fanatics and heretics in the eyes of those who follow the path of Universal Law. The Ordo
Orbis, the world order, is the largest and most powerful organization that has ever existed since the Great Flood to the present: through its three branches, has the military power, economic and ideological on almost all land. Thanks to the split into several groups and operating a wise system of delegation, the world government has been able to drive for centuries the life of the inhabitants of each island. Powered by devoted and efficient servants, as careerists and unscrupulous tyrants, the administrative machinery of the Ordo Orbis has rarely jammed, and never permanently, until the rise of Asrigue Vigon. The new enemy showed the world the weakness of world government, crushed by the weight of his body and slowed down the choices from his most pressing administrative chain. It was the weapon of freedom to oppose the Ordo Orbis accepted within the first changes to its structure since its inception. Previously, the world order itself was more a collective name to indicate the three factions that compose it, to oppose the threat of Asrigue and his followers, the Ordo Orbis has a body of determined and often ruthless classified staff engaged in independent teams, the common use of the recruitment of pirates and buccaneers among the worst kind. While his power is slowly crumbling, the world government si fa ancora più dispotico, e la sua tirannide sempre meno sopportabile.
Militia Marium (lawful evil)
Insegna: un globo terracqueo azzurro su fondo bianco parzialmente coperto da due spade incrociate fra loro.
Anno di fondazione: 43 pOe.
Sede principale: città fortificata di Viria, cuore del Vecchio Mondo.
Leader attuale: magister militum maximus Victor Torquezar.
Struttura di comando: l'unità di base della Militia Marium è la decuria, dieci uomini guidati da un decurio; dieci decurie formano una centuria, comandata da un centurio, e dieci centuire formano una legio, guidata da un magister militum; tutti i magistri militum sono agli ordini del magster militum maximus.
Ideologia in breve: il mondo è dei forti, e l'ordine è forza: mille uomini da soli sono mille sciocchi, mille uomini che marciano sotto la stessa bandiera, seguendo gli stessi comandi, con un unico cuore, sono una forza inarrestabile. Noi siamo la civiltà, noi siamo l'ordine e il potere; è nostro dovere difendere quest'ordine, difendere noi stessi e coloro che seguono la nostra stessa legge. Gli altri possono morire.
Rapporti con altre fazioni: rivale storica della Confraternita delle Coste, la Militia Marium ha recentemente trovato nell'Armata della Libertà il suo più grande avversario. Una mai sopita rivalità la lega al Consortium Mercatorum, e i veri fedeli della Legge Universale non possono fare a meno di considerare Marium the milites of the dangerous and bloody excited, while for their part, officers of the highest grade of the ordinary body deemed unnecessary.
With a prodigious chain of command, armed with the best equipment available in the world, made up of soldiers whose obedience is absolute, trained and indoctrinated for years before the field missions, the Militia Marium is a huge and dangerous war machine . The number of staff available to the armed wing of the Ordo Orbis is about one million soldiers, an imposing figure and well above the regional weapon of the Old World from which the army had its origin. With the spread around the world, also came a remarkable specialization: milites are trained to fight at sea, and experts milites tactics in the saddle but totally ignorant of navigation, the core of the militia, however, consists of the generic soldiers, able to take up just as effectively in all conventional arms and fight very well in every situation. These are the milites ciruma and equipment of many warships Ordo Orbis, from lowly barges to the most powerful armored cruisers. The big problem of Marium Militia, which has hampered on numerous occasions by Asrigue that has declared war on the world government, is its excessive complexity: the chain of command, the division of the fleets in several locations, hanno reso la militia vulnerabile a sapienti attacchi adeguatamente pianificati. E, se l'Ordo Orbis ha trovato il modo di rimediare a tutto questo, ciononostante la Militia Marium rimane ancora una macchina sì temibile, ma lenta e facile da inceppare per chi ne conosce i meccanismi.
Sacra Unione delle Famiglie (neutral evil)
Insegna: nessuna, data la segretezza della fazione; le singole famiglie possono avere o meno delle insegne personali
Anno di fondazione: 24 aOe.
Sede principale: formalmente nessuna, viene riconosciuto un ampio prestigio alle famiglie taliane.
Leader attuale: nessuno, ma Salvo Bardi è senza dubbio il capofamiglia più potente.
Struttura di comando: ogni famiglia è in practice a side of him, often in conflict with one or more of the other, within a single family, are rigidly patriarchal power relations, but is assigned a role quite important also to simple affiliates. The heads of households may, in cases of necessity, put aside their feuds to agree on a common strategy.
Ideology in short: these accursed they destroyed the ancient values \u200b\u200bof our land, the religion of our fathers has been stifled. At one time things were better, not the powerful advantage of people that you put under their protection. Although hidden in the shadow of world government, we can keep alive something of our past; even if we kill and steal, we do so with a purpose. The true order, real justice, are ours.
Relations with other factions: the Orbis Ordo as a whole considers the Union of American Families, like all other opposition, a plague to kill, but this does not prevent the Consortium Mercatorum of doing business, more or less unconsciously, with the major families. It is not uncommon for a brother of the coast make agreements with any member of the family, while the same can not be said for the members for operation of the Liberty.
The Sacred Union of Families was born from the initiative of a few merchant families Taliani, concerned by the significant drop in power as a result of the Consortium Mercatorum Ordo Orbis birth. Belonging to a common religion, ancestor worship of the patriarchal family so widespread in the past, an additional factor of unity and opposition to the new order. In short, these families yearning of the old power, and anchored the ancient religion and values \u200b\u200bof their fathers, were joined in Holy Union of Families. Founded as a local version of the Consortium and illegal Mercatorum, the "sacrosanct" soon spread around the world thanks to the initiative of business families behind these regular trading, though, was created over the years a solid black market that Taking advantage of an organization as branched and little known, could transporting prohibited goods from one part of the globe. Quickly, they came also the intimidation and acts of sabotage against the rival merchants, and they followed the frictions and feuds between different families often ending of sacrosanct. Today, the Union of American Families is like a set of criminal organizations, each with its own network of contacts and affiliates around the world, often at war with each other to obtain greater prestige and able to implement a truce only when a particular householder the powerful forces. But for ordinary people Taliani, the sacred is often the power, far more than it is the Ordo Orbis, and many people consider the householder's only real men of honor left the world.
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