Friday, October 16, 2009

Duckbilled Platypus For Sale

- You ask me if I stopped running when I stopped watching. I would say that running is that I learned to walk. That perhaps is not to blame those who go away ... just could not stay!
- You are not credible ...
- Not even the truth it never is.
- Do not change ...
- I will not change, I want to move forward.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Do You Go To Work With A Chest Infection

Horace lived on the top floor of a dilapidated building Street Unit. He was a former sailor, a former smuggler, an ex-husband, a former railroad worker and who knows what else. We estimate because we realized that to understand life and the things in life one must separate. 7 was old loves - Horace - and 5 teeth and 11 promises betrayed and missed three appointments with death ... and an unknown number of grievances, but it was old, too old to remember. He lived on the top floor with his years and his past to tell. Yet never left home, never had that desire to see something that was not his TV. The television kept him company late into the night. And the windows of her room recalls that glow in the alleys and the sun, kept alive the neighborhood, just propped its streetlights drunk. And drunk and came home tired and battered us in the evening. Only the lucky ones with a story to tell tomorrow. And Horace was our guiding light. If you came home late and only as an idiot and there in the high light was still on ... well .. it was not so late and so perhaps you were not alone (there was no escape for the idiot). For some of us grew up without parents or with parents too busy, was a kind of father. Why this should be a father at the bottom: ... and point the way there.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Pokemon Heart Gold Soul Silver Sprite

tribute to Charles Bukowski ( Ten Saws from Companion of booze)

"Bukowski?", he says, "okay?" lifts me up. friend, I think you better stay here tonight. "" NO. DAMN, I WANT TO GO TO DANCE loggers "then just remember I was on his shoulders, those of Sanchez, and he took me in his apartment on the first floor, you know, where he and his wife are one thing, and then I I found on a bed, he was gone, the door closed, and then I heard the music below, and laughter, both of them, but laughs gently, without malice, and I do not know what to do, beautiful things come unexpected fortune or people who are at the end if all the melt, well, at which point the door opened, a flood of light, and here is Sanchez. "oh, Bubu, a bottle of French wine ... drink it slowly.'ll do you good. sleep. be happy. I do not want to tell you that love. too easy. and if you want to be in, dancing and singing, talking, ok you do what you think. here's the wine. "hands me the bottle: the lift as if it were a phone a bit 'strange and Then again, ancora.attraverso a tent and jump in a tattered piece of moon consumed. is a perfect night, not the jail, far from it. the next morning when I wake up I go down to pee, I go out of my piss, and I find them both asleep on that couch just close enough for a body and their faces came together and sleeping together and their bodies are asleep, because I do love?? I feel just that little lump in the throat, the sweetness of Blus automatic transmission, which someone, they do not even hate me ... they even come to hope for me what? ... I go out and drained and pained emotion Bukowski and disgusted and sad, old, sun lit by the stars, my God, look at the last corner, the last bang of midnight, cold Mr. C., big H, Mary Mary, clean as a ladybug on a wall , the heat of December a web that crosses my everlasting spine, Mercy Kerouac as the dead boy lying across the railroad tracks in Mexico in July eternal graves sunk, I leave them there in their chorus of gold, the genius and his mistress, both better than me.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Letter Announcing New Physicain

I had promised myself that I would not have posted the texts that were not mine on this piece of sea that I wanted to carve. However, in this turbulent time I can write so little .. and I could not really say when it will change. So all I can do is share one of the most beautiful things I've read a Stefano Benni - and so - in recent months. A good storyteller can save you when no one else can do it.

The Theory of "Bonus vital equipment (from Elianto)

" I believe, "said Thales-that the death of a person is not dependent on an illness or disease, if you prefer. diseases are, so to speak, of the tricks by which the Supreme OperatorNome conceals the old mechanism of life and death, namely the Individual Bonus Vitale. If I may say so, eminent paracolleghi, we will explain the "theory of the bonus" sketched by Cornelis Noon in the third stage of the asylum and I have developed and perfected. Codest theory holds that every human being before birth is given a bonus of vital activities, and this will in his earthly journey. For example, the bonus is included: three hundred thousand beers

one million and seventeen thousand sneezing
thirty trips abroad
the chance to say six hundred and sixteen thousand times the word "short"
seicentoventitrè footbaths
one million ice cream
three great loves
nine bicycles
six hundred and two swims
sixty liters of tears
forty-six km of spaghetti
three hundred and seventy thousand spelling mistakes
forty thousand crossword
three off the road a hundred and twenty three thousand hours of
between ten million and seven cigarettes, cigars and pipe pull
sixteen big disappointments
... And so on for a total of 10 entries elvato 14.
-And how you calculated this figure? - Churches silicones.
-I said "some." We have then that Tom is found dead from a scaramaccino, heart attack, stroke. Your doctor will have no doubt it is the fault of the forgotten heart, cigarettes, triglycerides. Nothing could be further from the truth. He could have continued to smoke and eat: the fault is dello sforamento del bonus! Lo scaramaccino è stato solo l’arma del delitto, come avrebbe potuto esserlo un incidente stradale, o lo sbranamento da parte di una tigre, o un vaso di fiori da un ottavo piano. Tizio è morto, ripeto, perchè un attimo prima dell’ictus, ha magiato il milionesimo gelato, o ha detto “insomma” una volta di troppo, o ha pianto una lacrima in più di quelle che gli erano consentite. Naturalmente, c’è chi nasce particolarmente sfortunato: se un tale ha come bonus un solo starnuto o un solo litro di latte, non gli servirà a nulla avere trecentomila scopate a disposizione. Il poveretto starnutirà o tetterà e lo troveranno secco nella culla. Un bonus abbondante, ecco true health!
"But how can we know what our bonus? - Asked Satagius
-One can not, here's the thing! Here is the cunning of the operation, which hid it in some kind of genetic subcode inaccessible. Why? Because if we knew that our life is subject to the inexorable law Of this bonus, we are afraid of everything. She would smoke a cigarette, not knowing that causes cancer (in fact knows and smokes the same), but that could be the last of the bonus? Another example: you know a wonderful creature called Rosalinda, but years ago he already had a relationship with a girl of the same name. Would not be think that his bonus Rosalinde it includes one, or that his bonus kisses with Rosalind is dangerously close to exhaustion? For this maneuvering, in his divine cunning, simulates illness, accidents, fatalities and we get along consuming our bonus, and maybe we are poised on the last meters of noodle, we have the word on the tip of the tongue that will kill us, we ignore that There are only two sunsets over the sea.

And so irresponsible and frail

everyone spends his time fatal.

-From what you say, "said Silicon-then there would be worthwhile to treat disease, so much that decides the bonus.
-No! The disease must be cured for solidarity, and this is all the more noble because it is in vain. We must pretend that they are important, otherwise everyone will realize that our destiny is something far more dangerous. Also I am led to assume (even though my work on this point are just the beginning) that some diseases are probably just a defense against the bonus. We have for instance, that the bonus is running out for walks on the beach, tac, a stiff back and you will avoid the fatal walk. She already has a ticket to the last piano concerto granted to it, and voila, a sudden deafness puts it away. Diseases help stop the brink of the precipice. Silicones
-nonsense, "said lighting a cigarette.
-Not all that went on-Thales-behold, she lit a cigarette, maybe the number is 189765621 and nothing will happen, but if his bonus is nicotinic 189,765,622 to the next will be a shot and say to strength, was a smoker. But perhaps you could die for that one too "absurd," or (as I note today), because you're touching the ball. Think if your bonus spells ran out now! ... Just
-Silicones-paled, and turned to leave.
-What will be his bonus for opening doors? - Churches Satagius softly.
-I see you get the idea, "said Thales. Silicones
came out, consuming a good amount of bonus abuse. "

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Parts Names Of A Pirate Ship

alessandra amorosovincitrice friends win friends 8 8

E si è proprio lei kevince amici 8.. Alessandra Amoroso....complimenti mi disp x alice......cmq alessandra era proprio brava luca doveva andare contro e va bn così-... complimenti alessandra.....

Monday, March 23, 2009

How To Cange Lock Of Vip


ciao a tutti....(domana quatidiana) cm va??? io tutto bn... è tanto tempo ke nn scrivo sul blog... va be.... oggi voglio parlare di un programma televsivo ke gardo cn molto interesse... Amici il programma s canake 5 condotto da Maria De Filippi... ci sn 2 squadre i bianchi e i blu e s sidano e io tengo ai bianchi ke era omposti da gianluca balerino,domenico ballerino,alice balleina,jenfer cantante,silvia cantante,luca cantante e mario oggi sa ala vigilia della fiale... in finle sn rimasti 2 della squadra bianca alice ballerina e luca cantate... e se volete anke un po di gossip luca ed aice stanno insime... oi dela sqadra bul sn rimesti anke loro in 2 ovvero alessandra e vaerio... sn felice ke alice sia arrivata in finale e nke se nn vincerà ne uscira a testa alta...xk selo merita... senn vince alice spero ke vica luca o alessandra... valerio nn mi piace...
bhe ora vi faccio parlare voi ki vince la fnale di amici?? sper ke siate i tantia scivermi dei commenti cn delle risposte... ora vi lascio... vi dirò ki vince...a ps:ke vinca il migliore...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

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When the night comes, here, raises the shades from the ground as it does with the homeless in the police Piazza Duomo. It is arrogant, rude, in my part of the night.

I look up to heaven and aseptic as gray for weeks. I wonder if I still believe in the stars.

The station is a clump of souls. The few bodies have to pass the eyes of those who have lost many years ago. Someone passed me, touch me just enough to pour into its emptiness. I must seem strange that container! I take the first train for Genoa. How long I do not watch the sea!?

Friday, February 13, 2009

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Andrea was twenty years old, and as the years of his twenty years old were not questions. He was the youngest of three children of the elderly Maria, the seamstress of the country. He drank life in big gulps, Andrea. He drank the life from the eyes and never spoke. Andrea was autistic. But he had overpowering light in his eyes that made him look cheeky. On him in the country had said it all. Some had even speculated that he was possessed by the devil, while others claimed to have seen him walking in the woods and singing voice flute and talk with God He had always spent a little time with his peers and a lot in the woods, the boy.
Andrea knew the secret of love. Had told him a sapling of the Wood gossip of the Pawns in a sunny spring morning. Andrea had been urged to stick with the usual silence button. I had seen him wearing fresh leaves and soft, such as milk and asked him the reason for that dress again. So the tree had revealed to him with a rustle of leaves in the afternoon to wait for a robin's song which was deeply in love. Waiting for him for many years and for years every morning he had called on the old oak tree that he could read the wind. And the oracle he had read the score wind, searching among the wing-beat notes of the robin. Only the night before the west wind generous that carries the scent of the sea had announced the much awaited return.
- And if you were to choose the branches of a tree to your? And if you went away again and never to return? - Exclaimed Andrea, with teeth clenched and his heart on fire.

- I am a tree - he had longed for the small fir tree - I can not pursue love, but I keep it.

Friday, January 16, 2009

How And Why Do You Get Imetigo From Tattoos

stations are not places for a farewell. Too much noise. The words are few and mingle. Too tight times, too-rapid departure. And then goodbyes should consume piedi. Chi parte porta via così tanto con sé che almeno dovrebbe lasciare a chi resta l'illusione di una distanza colmabile.
Così, come ogni giorno, il vecchio Tobia andava trascinando il consunto impermeabile marrone fuori dalla piccola stazione di Tuctù, masticando pensieri e parole e, di tanto in tanto, sputando sentenze.
Da vent'anni ogni mattina Tobia si svegliava presto per andare in stazione a veder partire il primo treno, l'espresso delle 6:40 per Escondita, il treno che prendono le ultime stelle e le donne che non tornano, quello che porta in paese l'alba più fresca e voluttuosa, i primi sospiri. E Orazio, il capostazione, si era affezionato così tanto a quel vecchio che fischiava in ritardo la partenza but to allow this warm greeting. And no one could say who he thought the elder Tobias every morning, which invoke or return departure which tells the heart. What is certain is that there was no woman in the country, as it were alone, he left at dawn without a greeting.